

Please note that Dr. Meshack Van Wyk is an independent Paralegal and offers Paralegal Services. He is not an attorney and therefore does not offer legal advice.

Dr. Van Wyk works with a network of licensed attorneys to provide comprehensive support. His services include:

– Document review
– Guidance
– Support to assist with your case

While Dr. Van Wyk can provide valuable assistance, it is essential to consult with a licensed attorney for legal advice specific to your situation.

By engaging Dr. Van Wyk’s Paralegal Services, you understand and agree to the limitations of his role and the scope of his expertise.

We set your company up from scratch



Companies & Close Corporations

With our sound business knowledge we can manage the affairs of any Company, Close Corporation or single proprietors, no matter how small or how large, we have the solution and advice to any legal problem you may have.

We attend to the founding documents, registration, incorporation of Companies, compliance with shareholder and member agreements and commercial and mercantile litigation.

Business Plans

Do you need a Professional Business Plan? Our Business Plan Specialists can setup yours and you’ll be ready for Funding.

Registration PACKAGES

We offer several registration packages

Business Advice

Small businesses often need help with problems such as:

Family Law Services

Civil Matters

Wills & Estates

Business Law