My philosophy is rooted in the belief that every individual is a unique creation, deserving of compassion, understanding, and support. I approach Christian counseling, wellness, and mediation with a holistic perspective, recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. I strive to create a safe and non-judgmental space where clients can explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences, and work towards healing and growth.

Dr Van Wyk's Philosophy on Counselling, Mediation & Wellness
In promoting wellness, I emphasize the importance of self-care, healthy lifestyle choices, and the pursuit of balance and harmony in all aspects of life. I encourage clients to cultivate resilience, self-awareness, and a positive mindset, empowering them to overcome challenges and thrive.
In mediation, I facilitate constructive communication and conflict resolution, seeking to foster understanding, reconciliation, and mutually beneficial agreements. I approach mediation with empathy and impartiality, striving to help parties find common ground and move towards peaceful resolutions.
Business Qualifications
- Dip. Management
- Dip Marketting Management
- Cert: Industrial Psychology
- Cert: Business & Government Policy
- Cert: Business & Government Policy
Mediation Qualifications
- Cert: Concilliation
- Cert: Family Law
- Cert: Domestic Violence
- Cert: Professional Report Writting
- Cert: Peacebuilding & Reconcilliation, Mediation & Community Justice
- Cert: Mediation & Restorative Justice
- Cert: Memory Retention, Speedreading & public speaking
Religious/Ministry QUALIFICATIONS
- Dip. Theology
- B. Th-Batchelor of Theology
- M.Th-Master in Theology
- Th.D-Doctor of Theology
- Diploma Trauma debriefing
Law Qualifications
SNR DIPLOMA – South African School of Paralegal Studies:
- Criminal law & Procedure
- Business Law
- Civil Litigation
- Debt Collecting
- Will & Estates
- Property Law & Conveyancing
- Dip. Christian Counselling
- Dip. Christain Counselling Institute of Christain Counselling (Healing & Deliverance)
- Trauma Debriefing ( Trauma MNGT.)
- Certificate: Advanced Course in Church Based Counselling Management(Unisa)
- Certificate: Administration of Estates (Gawie Le Roux Institute of Law)
Course for legal assistants( Gawie le roux institute of law )
- Legal Practice
- South African Law
- Practical Legal Skills
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