Contact Us

Akwamaryn St, Eldorado Park, Soweto, 1811
Phone Number
(+27) 076 827 7703
(+27) 078 955 5144
Contacting me
If you are unable to reach me and feel you can’t wait for me to return your call, send me a whatsapp.
Due to my work schedule, I am not immediately available by telephone. (I do not employ a receptionist.) Should I not answer your call, please leave a Message, your Name & No and I will return your call with the exception of weekends and holidays. If you are difficult to reach, please inform me of some times when you will be available.
Send Us a message
Frequently Asked Questions
Payment for each session is to be received cash or EFT or Card Payment.
Cancellation of an appointment with less than 24 hours notice, or failure to show for an appointment, will incur the full fee. Appointments missed because you are ill and you have given me 24 hours notice, or because you are on holiday are not charged for. I will give you as much notice as possible if I am unable to make a session and will try to offer you an alternative time.
The duration of the therapeutic process will depend on the type of difficulty or problem the client is facing. Some people prefer to work with an open contract, whereas other people prefer to work with a fixed number of sessions. It is generally recommended that a minimum of six sessions is required and in all cases, every six sessions the counsellor and client will review the therapeutic process together. This helps to assess whether the client’s needs are being met and, this will also help (if required) to carry out the necessary adjustments and/or establish new goals.
My fee vary between (R200 – R600) Per session for different counselling sessions.
(9-5 appointments). Out of Office hours appointments has an extra charge of R50.00 Per Session Office Hours are from 09h00-17h00. No Consultations on weekends.