About Us

Marriage Counsellor, Mediator,Business Consultant & Paralegal
Rev. Dr W. Meshack Van Wyk
Justice of the Peace – Commissioner of Oaths
Specialist Wellness Counsellor-(ASCHP) Specialist Counsellor(C4CSA) Council For Counsellors South Africa
Accreditted Family & Divorce Mediator (SAAM) South African Association of Mediators) & (SJF)
Social Justice Foundation
Accredited Pastoral Counsellor (CPSC) Council For Pastoral & Spiritual Counsellors)
Paralegal (PALSA) Paralegal Association of South Africa
Departmental Appointments
Marriage Office
Commissioner of Oaths
Justice of the Peace
Counselling can have benefits and risks. Since therapy often involves discussing unpleasant aspects of your life, you may experience uncomfortable feelings like sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, loneliness, and helplessness. On the other hand, Counselling has also been shown to have many benefits. Counselling often leads to better relationships, solutions to specific problems, and significant reduction in feelings of distress. However, there are not guarantees of what you will experience.
Our first few sessions will involve an evaluation of your needs. By the end of the evaluation, I will be able to offer you some impressions/Problem identifications of what our work will include and a treatment plan to follow, if you decide to continue with Counselling. You should evaluate this information along with your own opinions of whether you feel comfortable working with me. Counselling involves a large commitment of time, money and energy.

My sessions last for around 90 minutes, and we will usually meet once a week, though this is negotiable. If your circumstances change and the session time is no longer suitable, I will do my best to accommodate this and offer you an alternative time. Sessions will not take place if the client is under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering substances as this masks our true self and is not beneficial to the counselling process.
Business Qualifications
- Dip. Management
- Dip Marketting Management
- Cert: Industrial Psychology
- Cert: Business & Government Policy
- Executive Development Program with Wits Business School(WBS)
Mediation Qualifications
- Cert: Concilliation
- Cert: Family Law
- Cert: Domestic Violence
- Cert: Professional Report Writting
- Cert: Peacebuilding & Reconcilliation, Mediation & Community Justice
- Cert: Mediation & Restorative Justice
- Cert: Memory Retention, Speedreading & public speaking
Religious/Ministry QUALIFICATIONS
- Dip. Theology
- B. Th-Batchelor of Theology
- M.Th-Master in Theology
- Th.D-Doctor of Theology
- Diploma Trauma debriefing
Law Qualifications
SNR DIPLOMA – South African School of Paralegal Studies:
- Criminal law & Procedure
- Business Law
- Civil Litigation
- Debt Collecting
- Will & Estates
- Property Law & Conveyancing
- Dip. Christian Counselling
- Dip. Christain Counselling Institute of Christain Counselling (Healing & Deliverance)
- Trauma Debriefing ( Trauma MNGT.)
- Certificate: Advanced Course in Church Based Counselling Management(Unisa)
- Certificate: Administration of Estates (Gawie Le Roux Institute of Law)
Course for legal assistants( Gawie le roux institute of law )
- Legal Practice
- South African Law
- Practical Legal Skills